Giving Back
While there is no doubt I have a deep love for authentic luxury travel, those who know me know that my heart also belongs to animals, particularly horses. My equestrian journey began as a young girl and later, as an adult, I re-discovered my profound passion, and deep appreciation for the unique bond one forms with a horse. As I fully embraced this journey, I sought ways to give back to these magnificent creatures. Which led me to discover equine bodywork, and I became certified in the Masterson Method, a modality that uses light touch to work under the horses' fight or flight nervous system, helping them heal by releasing emotional and physical pain and discomfort.
Around this time, I began volunteering at Special Spirit, a non-profit, all-inclusive equine therapeutic center where children and adults find empowerment through horse-related activities. It was incredibly fulfilling to share my equine bodywork skills with the hardworking horses that assist individuals with special needs. Today, my own horse Helen has retired to this wonderful ranch and is now part of the Equine Assisted Therapy Program. Choosing to retire Helen at Special Spirit has allowed me to keep her close while continuing to support the organization through horse sponsorship. Helen remains engaged and happy in her golden years, and I regularly visit and care for her, ensuring she thrives in her retirement.
Special Spirit is an all-inclusive animal paradise that embodies the spiritual bond between animals and humans.
To learn more about Equine Assisted Therapy and the programs offered at Special Spirit, please click here.